Florence Dailleux
Florence is a freelance illustrator based in Lucerne. She grew up in Paris, surrounded by an impressive amount of comics and books, studied Anglo-American literature (M.A.) in France and the UK, and lived in Chile, Mexico and Germany for seven years before becoming an illustrator out of her passion for books. She works with publishers, children's media, and on personal projects and exhibitions. In 2012, she co-founded the Thinkpen collective to further promote visual work. She has since then visually supported projects and events for more than eighty companies and agencies worldwide on strategic issues and transformation projects and is absolutely convinced of the power of visualization! If you are interested in graphic recording and business illustrations, please visit the Thinkpen website!
2023 für DPictus unpublished picturebook showcase ausgewählt
Eine Doppelseite
"Willkommen, kleiner Fuchs" Auszeichnung : Skoutz Award 1. Platz in der Kategorie Kinder-und Jugendbuch 2023
"Freue Dich aufs Christkind kleiner Fuchs", 2022
"Bald ist alles wieder gut, kleiner Fuchs", 2023
"Bald ist alles wieder gut, kleiner Fuchs", Innenseite
"Bald ist alles wieder gut, kleiner Fuchs", Innenseite
Prompts #afro #patterns #rainbow
Prompts #cat #grumpy # shorthair
Schattenspiele, Mann mit Hut
Urban water challenges and key success factors
Structure of a Connective Cities learning process
Use the Network for your future work
Best practice : the sponge city
Future needs
Live recording /webinar in Spanish on gender and education at home
Live recording/webinar in French on gender and agroecology