Luca Schenardi
Luca Schenardi is a Swiss based Illustrator and Artist. He studied «Illustration Fiction» at the HSLU Art & Design (Diploma 2002). Since 2003 he has worked as a Freelance Illustrator, Graphic Designer and Artist. His Illustrations appear in renowned international Newspapers and Magazines like New York Times Magazin, Bloomberg Businessweek, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin and Die Zeit to name a few. During the recent Years he has made a name for Himself in the Music Scene as a Designer of LP, Single, Cassette Covers and Band Merch shirts. Luca has been a visiting professor at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Luzern (HSLU), The Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB), The Staatliche Hochschule der Künste Karlsruhe (HfG) and The Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Art de Besançon (ISBA). In 2021 He was the Winner of a «Swiss Design Award» in the Section «Graphic Design». Since a four-month studio residency (Central Switzerland Cantons) in 2017, he has lived and worked in New York City for several Weeks or Months each Year.
New York Times, Trash Culture
New York Times, Trash Culture
Bloomberg, Business, Börse, Geld
Portrait, Elon Musk, Portraitillustration, Fun
Schwan, Divorce, Auto
Mann, Baby, Kinder, Haushalt
KI, Computer, Musik, Joint, Rauchen, Augen
Tod, Sarg, Baum, Natur, Witz
Pilz, Fantasy, Techno, Musik, Alien
Katze, Psychedelic, Pilze, Drogen, Traum, Musik
Lobster, Vegetarisch, Essen, Restaurant, Strand, Sunset, Sonne, Monster
Walking, Sport, Leichtathletik, Rennen, Laufen
Krieg, Alien, Gewehr, Waffen, Kampf, Politisch
Burg, Gefängnis, Turm
Drogen, Psychodelik, psychedelic, Meskalin, LSD, Psilocibin, Traum, Flash
Auto, Musik, Singlecover, Sonnenuntergang
Meer, Fisch, Musik
Bär, Fasnacht, Verkleidung, Augen, Regenbogen
Gesicht, Kerze, unheimlich, Totenkopf
Treppe, funny, Kopf, Augen, Landschaft
Grapefruit, Frauenrechte, Punk, Musik, Lust
Mond, Klavier, Wolken, Jazz, psychedelic
Jazz, US Music, Pianist, Berg, Wald, Natur, Typo
Meer, Strand, Synthesizer, Klavier, Orgel, Wolken, Horizont
Apfel, Sterne, Universum, Techno, Musik, Nacht