Nadja Stadelmann
Visualizing scientific content, seizing the essential and finding the ideal visual concept for each project, this is my task as a Scientific Illustrator, and this is my passion. Since I set up my studio 15 years ago, I create Illustrations and visualizations for various scientific fields, focussing on medical and natural science. I combine digital design tools with traditional techniques like watercolor or pencil drawings. Research and learning is part of every design process, and I am always keen to collaborate with Scientists to make their knowledge visible to a wider audience. My professional qualification is based on studies in Zurich and Maastricht: Designer FH, Scientific Illustration, Zurich, CH / University of the Arts & Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at Maastricht University, NL
Wachstum Geweih Gehörn Krucken Aquarell
Gelbbauchunke Wasserfrosch Erdkröte Aquarell
Flussregenpfeifer brütend, Charadrius dubius, Little ringed plover
Schneehuhn in Höhle,  Alpenschneehuhn, Lagopus muta
Reiherente tauchend, Aythya fuligula, diving tufted duck
Anatomie Herz, Sinusknoten, Elektrische Impulse, Herzmuskel
Herzschrittmacher, ICD, Implantierbarer Defibrillator, subkutaner Defibrillator
Zervikale Dissektion, medizinische Zeichnung
Herzinsuffizienz, HFpEF, HFrEF
Adventskalender Schweizerische Vogelwarte; Landschaftsaquarell
Adventskalender Schweizerische Vogelwarte; Landschaftsaquarell
Adventskalender Schweizerische Vogelwarte; Landschaftsaquarell
Adventskalender Schweizerische Vogelwarte; Landschaftsaquarell
Adventskalender Schweizerische Vogelwarte; Landschaftsaquarell
Buntspecht, Dendrocopos major,  Great Spotted Woodpecker
Blässhuhn, Fulica atra, Eurasian Coot
Elster, Pica pica,  Eurasian Magpie
Zwergtaucher, Tachybaptus ruficollis, Little Grebe
Igel im Winterschlaf, European Hedgehog
Blut, Blutkreislauf, Bestandteile Blut, Blood composition
Blutplasma, Blutzellen, Blutgefäss
Skizze Wissensbild Blut
DNA-Doppelhelix, Chromosom, Chromatid
Skizze Wissensbild DNA
Landschaftsvisualisierung, Modelllandschaft
Landschaftsvisualisierung, Modelllandschaft
Infografik Dialog
Infografik Projektentwicklung