Vera Eggermann
Trained as an illustrator BA at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Vera Eggermann has been writing and illustrating picture books for 30 years. She lived in London for a long time and is now at home in Lucerne, happily commuting between country air and big city, idyll and contradiction. Accordingly, her work is colorful and stylistically diverse. In her paintings, populated by peculiar but lovable characters, she combines mundane everyday observation with lush fantasy worlds.
Kinderzimmer, Zug Spielen, Alle an Bord, nursery, play train, all aboard
Kinderzimmer, Zug Spielen, Alle an Bord, nursery, play train, all aboard
Kinderzimmer, Zug Spielen, Alle an Bord, nursery, play train, all aboard
Geschichte Vorlesen, Animal Characters, Storytime
Geburtstag, Fest, Comic, Characters, Party
Superhelden, Superheroes, Gaels Geschenk, Le cadeau de Gaël
Geschichte, Erzählen, Brüder, Zusammen, Spielen, Musik, Singen, Comic, Play, Music, Sing, Tell a Story, brothers, together
Familie, Trauer, Spital, Organspende, family, mourning, grief, hospital, organ donation
Wimmelbild, Spital, Comic, Animal Characters,  hospital, helicopter, birds-eye view
Faltanleitung, Erstlesebuch, Einfacher Text,  folding instructions, first reader, simple text
Haus Falten, Kinderzeichnung, Basteln, children's drawing
Brief Falten, Kinder, Basteln, letter, children, handicraft
Monster, Papier Falten, Buchmonster
Faltanleitung,  folding instructions
Hugo und Kauz, Natur, Wald, nature, forest
Hugo und Kauz, Vater und Sohn, Motorsäge, father and son,  chainsaw
Kinderzimmer, Aufräumen, Children's room, tidy up
Wildvogel, wild bird
Schulweg, Erstlesetext, easy readers, school route
Schulweg, Erstlesetext, easy readers, school route
Jurte, Zuhause, yurt, at home
Kamele, Jurte, Zuhause, camels, yurt, at home
Schulweg, Erstlesetext, easy readers, school route
Bootsfahrt, Fluss, Wasser, boating, river, water
Vogelperspektive, Bergdorf
Rosa Haus, pink house
Turnübungen, Traumabewältigung. exercises, coping with trauma
Gefahr, Wasserstrudel, Trauma, danger, water vortex, accident