Wolfgang Wiler
Wolfgang Wiler is an illustrator and comic artist. In his illustrations, he deals with political, social and societal aspects. It is important to him to present the circumstances sensitively, openly and honestly. They depicts scenes which can be read as metaphors, but also offer insights into the world of emotions.
verlassene Kirche im Wald, lost place, Person mit Handy, google maps, karten app
abandoned, buro, büro, verlassen, verlassenes büro, new work, editorial illustration, drinnen, draussen, ratte
überall arbeiten, draussen, new work, editorial illustration, remote work, digitales arbeiten
editorial, warteschlange, verlaufen
labyrinth, digitales wirrwar, sozialer missstand
jobcenter, agentur für arbeit
kinderzimmer, monopolyspielbrett auf teppich, unordentliches bett, spielzeug flugzeuge und panzer